The ongoing translation of Bokujō Monogatari 2’s so-called “entertainment channel”. Covers the second episodes of Sports, Red String of Fate, Secret Soldier: Gon!, and Ichigo, Girl Detective.
Tag: Harvest Moon
Harvest Moon 64 Variety Channel (Part 3)
The ongoing translation of Bokujō Monogatari 2’s so-called “entertainment channel”. Covers the second episodes of Cut the Villain!, Sing Tonight!, and The Monmon Show.
HM64 Variety Channel (Part 2)
Part 2 of the ongoing translation of Harvest Moon 64’s Variety Channel, which was cut during localization.
HM64 Variety Channel (Part 1)
The first three shows of Harvest Moon 64’s Variety Channel, which was cut in localization and has never been translated until now.
What’s Wrong with Wrestling?!
In a Friends of Mineral Town scene that’s been written and localized twice each, Karen bristles at the memory of wrestling with Rick when they were kids. But why?
Harvest Moon 64 Gives This Dog a Hand? Huh?!
When you show Popuri your dog, why does she say ‘hand’?